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What do GRT Pros get with GRT for Discourse?

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GRT CSS for your Discourse Installation

Enhance your forums with GRT text formatting for easier reading! 🥸

Each time you use GRT for Discourse, you’ll receive a GRT CSS loadout you can copy/paste into your forums. And if you selected a Google Font, you’ll receive installation instructions for that as well (hint: it’s easy!).

Gorgeous Text Formatting to Grab and Hold Attention

And Markdown makes it easy to add these styles on the fly 😏

GRT for Discourse includes the following text formatting styles for your forums:

  • Headings
    • Heading 1 h1#
    • Heading 2 h2##
    • Heading 3 h3###
    • Heading 4 h4####
  • Lists
    • Unordered ul*, -, or + to establish a new item
    • Ordered ol1. or 2) to establish a new item
  • Blockquotes blockquote> to indicate a new quoted paragraph
  • Inline Code code` to open and ` to close
  • Code Blocks pre``` to open and ``` to close
  • Horizontal Rule hr***, ---, or ___ on its own line

Access to the GRT Forums

Naturally, the GRT Forums run on… Discourse! 😎

Installing your own GRT CSS is easy—and we provide instructions to help you with each step—but if you ever need help, just head over to the GRT Forums for immediate assistance.

The forums are also a great place to hang out with other typography enthusiasts who enjoy adding GRT everywhere they compose text!

Dress Up Your Discourse…

…with Golden Ratio Typography formatting styles from GRT for Discourse!

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