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What do GRT Pros get with GRT for Email?

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Formatted Emails that Look Great Everywhere

Use great design to your advantage! This is how you stand out from the crowd 🧠

GRT for Email output works with any email campaign provider, and it even works with regular emails you send from popular inboxes like Gmail or Yahoo! Mail.

This is how you can send beautiful emails that will capture your audience’s attention and elevate the way people perceive you.

Fabulous Formatting Features

Wow your audience with style and sophistication 🎩

With GRT for Email, your emails will look clean and polished thanks to sizing and spacing based on the Golden Ratio. And then you can add extra flair with these awesome formatting styles:

  • Headings
  • Content Callouts
  • Buttons
  • Blockquotes
  • Drop caps
  • Highlights
  • Salutation + Signature!

Also, don’t forget—you can combine styles to create tantalizing visuals in your emails!

Access to the GRT Forums

A friendly place where the learning never stops! 👍

If you’re looking for help with implementation, formatting, best practices, or even creative ideas, the GRT Forums are the ultimate place to hang out and talk typography with the pros.

Bottom line? Your GRT Pro subscription includes forum access, and the help you need is always just a forum post away.

Stand Out in the Inbox

Use sophisticated text formatting to stand out from the crowd.

Your audience will instantly recognize your emails—they’ll look classy and also make your competitors’ emails look pathetic by comparison.

Become a GRT Pro to unlock the full power of GRT for Email!

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