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Golden Ratio Typography Editor

Selection Format Bar

Exactly what you need, exactly where you need it.

GRT Editor selection format bar

When you select any text, the GRT Editor reveals a floating bar with inline formatting styles—bold, italic, link, highlight, drop cap, and more!

Insert Media Bar

Insert videos and images on the fly!

GRT Editor insert media

Whenever you hit enter to start a new section (paragraph, heading, whatever), the Insert Media Bar will appear, enabling you to select images or videos to include in your content.

Media Format Bar

Because only certain styles apply to images, a special formatting toolbar appears whenever you click on an image (or video).

GRT Editor image formatting

After formatting your images, you can always add a caption separately!

Markdown Support for Power Users

Want to apply as much formatting as possible without leaving your keyboard? Try using this Markdown formatting to style your content on the fly!

  • *[some words]* + space = italic
  • **[some words]** + space = bold
  • `[some words]` + space = code (code)
  • ```[first line of code]``` + enter = code block (pre)
  • # + space + [some words] = Heading 1 (h1)
  • ## + space + [some words] = Heading 2 (h2)
  • ### + space + [some words] = Heading 3 (h3)
  • #### + space + [some words] = Heading 4 (h4)
  • 1. + space + [some words] = Numbered list
  • 1) + space + [some words] = Numbered list
  • * + space + [some words] = Bulleted list
  • - + space + [some words] = Bulleted list
  • + + space + [some words] = Bulleted list
  • > + space + [some words] = Blockquote
  • --- + space = Horizontal rule (hr)
  • *** + space = Horizontal rule (hr)
  • ___ + space = Horizontal rule (hr)

Tips for Using the GRT Editor

To create a button, first create a link. Next, click anywhere inside your link, and then select the button style you want from the Callouts, Buttons dropdown selector.

Working with callouts? If you pop a callout but then decide you want to use a different color callout instead, you’ll need to remove the pop before attempting to change the callout color.

What can you do *right now* with the GRT Editor? 🤔

Eventually, I’d like to see the GRT Editor become the standard wherever you compose text. Just imagine how great it’ll be to have all these formatting styles available when you’re crafting messages for your audience!

But for now, you can play around with the Editor and see how easy it is to apply many of the GRT text formatting styles. (And hopefully, you’ll see why the GRT Editor is superior to any other editor you’ve ever used…)

The GRT Editor has also been adapted for use with GRT for Email (and people really seem to love this):

  • Choose your email design settings
  • Compose your emails in the delightful GRT Email Editor
  • Works with any type of email! 🤯

Try GRT for Email for free! 😍

Start your GRT Free Trial and test drive GRT for Email for 7 days.
No credit card or commitment required!

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